Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Just Stuff

Dave was off during the long weekend. He has planned on doing things around here but being the lazy people we are we didn't accomplish much. We did organize closets and made room for the little ones bathroom stuff. I still need to make room for her towels in the linen closet. I have no idea how yet but I will find room. Dave finished the painting. Wasn't much left to do since my mom(thanks mom) painted the room and the hallway going to the rec room. Dave just had the touch up to do. This weekend my dad will be in town. He's not sleeping here. He will be here for dinner. There's this car show/flea market and I think it's just outside of Barrie. He made some car parts and he will be selling them. After the show is over he will be here for a few days during the week to install the floor in his granddaughters room. Thanks Dad. The only thing is that Dave's at work and therefore my dad will be doing it all by himself. We still have a lot to do before the baby is here. I'm hoping we can get the wood chopped up and order some that we can burn this winter and clean out the garage so I can park in it. I wish I can help with that. Had the stress test again to day. All is good.

Dave just wanted to thank you for everything you are doing for me. It means a lot to me. I'm sorry I can't help you with the stuff that's left to do. I love you.



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