Friday, March 31, 2006

Horrible Day

Today I woke up feeling a little sick. I had to work so I took my shower. In the meantime Dave is making me breakfast. I had 2 eggs and half a bagle. I was thirsty so I had a sip of apple juice. Well I think we can all guess what happend next. I was over the toilet. Dave had to phone work to tell them I was going to be late. When I was done puking, I headed for work. thought I could eat a muffin when I got there. Well was I wrong. It was busy so to work I went. I was so light headed and still feeling sick that I ask the store manager if I can go home. She said NO. I'm scheduled till 7pm and I have to work the entire shift. I was almost in tears. I then said then I have to eat something. She then said" No I was here before you so I eat first" Here I am feeling like I'm going to pass out, puke and I was starting to shake( a sign that my blood sugar is below 4.0)and the BITCH won't let me eat before her. She did not even end up eating until like 20-30 minutes later. I almost just walked off the floor and came home. I thought maybe Dave would be upset so I stayed. When I did finally get to eat, I felt 100 times better.
sorry for all the mistaked but I could care less at this moment

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Birthday Update

I turned out to be a vey beautiful day. I got my sunshine. I was very pleased even if I spent the entire day slaving away at McDonalds. Thanks to everyone for calling and wishing me a happy birthday, thanks for the gifts as well. All of you did better than Dave. Well I guess he did let me have the bed to myself last night. Since I've been feeling sick to my stomach all day and all night and having Dave toss and turn really makes it worst. When he got home last night he offered to sleep in the other room. I didn't say no, especially since I'm out of ear plugs. He's sleeping in the other room again. I've notice also that if Dave and I are in separate beds Logan (cat) doesn't bug me. What a nice sleep I will have again. Speaking of sleep I should get right on that.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me

I was reminded that it's my b-day tomorrow. I can honestly say that I was not even thinking that it was that time of year. I'm usually all excited. Why not this year? What I am looking forward to is seeing if the day will be sunny. As most of you know I share my b-day with my grandpapa. He past away in 1999, but before he did he ask ( months before)what I would like for my birthday. He's religious so he believe in the after life. I told him I would like it to be sunny so I knew he was thinking about us( sheri and I) and wishing us a happy birthday. I can honestly say that only once since then I did not have sunshine on my birthday. I was living in Carlyle at the time and Sheri got the sunshine. I miss him and wish he was still here. Happy Birthday grandpapa:) The horrible part is that I have to work 11-7 and Dave's working nights so I'm all by myself. Well I guess I have Rudy.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dr's Appointment

To day I had my dr's appointment. It lasted like 5 min. I was expecting the hole work up. He just ask questions and gave me the results of my blood test. My white cell count is a little high but since I don't have pain or burning sensation when I go to the bathroom he's not concerned. He is concerned that work is a problem. He offered to write me a dr's note for sick leave. I like this guy. I wasn't even thinking about that, but I will keep that in mind. My next visit is April 25th and we get to hear the heart beat:) Oh ya he was trying to see if I was going to be one of those high risk pregnancy so he asked if there were twins in my family. I had to tell him I was an identical twin and that my mom's side of the family has a lot of twins. He laughed. I thought they were supposed to make you feel better not laugh at the possibility that I could have twins. Any way we are prepared, well mentally. That's all for now.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Staying In Touch

When Dave and I moved to Carlyle, Saskatchewan I was excited and very upset at the same time. I was so use to seeing family and my friends that I wasn't looking forward to being the new girl in a small town. Especially the girlfriend of an RCMP officer. I can tell you it was hard but very rewarding. Dave and I met and became friends with a few people. I became close friends with the wives. During my next 3 years in Carlyle Dana and I became very close friends. We could talk about anything. She new how to cheer me up. There was this one year on my birthday/Easter she had invited us to spend Easter dinner with her Dean and her family at the farm in Southey, Saskatchewan.(small town about 30 min from Regina) We accepted. We all went to Church, after we headed towards the farm for lunch/dinner. I spent it helping out in the kitchen with Dana and her mom who became like my Saskatchewan mom. I had a blast. We all had dinner then it was time for dessert. I was so shock. Dana and her mom started to sing happy birthday. I was so touched. It took a lot for me not to cry. The best part about it is that Dana's mom made me a cake from scratch in the shape of a bunny. How cool is that? I was so grateful and that was by far the best birthday ever, well the second best since Dave did propose on my birthday. Any way. Dana phone me the other night and reminded me about that year. I was sad to leave Ontario but I knew I would always see our family at least once a year, but now that we are no longer in Saskatchewan it makes me even more sad that I have no idea when I will ever see the people that we became close to. Dave and I had this entire other life there. We left it all behind to come back home. I'm very happy we are back home but I'm also sad. I miss going to Regina and going out to lunch with Dana or spending and evening with Scott and Amy or going for walks and hanging out at Rhiannon's house, where she patiently waits for me to finish my blanket. Dave promised me that we will go for a visit after the baby is born. I am so looking forward to that trip. I never thought in a million years I would ever say this. I miss Saskatchewan.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Today I woke up feeling a little sick to my tummy. It's sunny outside but cold. Was thinking about picking up Rudy dropping's but then thought about having to go to work and just got even more sick. I though going back to McDonald's was going to be easy. It was and still is temporary but it just seems like it's been an eternity. I work 40 hours a week and barely have anytime to do my house work. I'm exhausted all the time. I also have this major exam that I have to get ready for and work won't give me the time off to study. Now that's stressful. What to do? I never did ask to become a manager they offered and I said yes with them understanding that I will be writing this exam them after I will be leaving. I did them a favor. What ever happen to repaying favors? Maybe I will leave in June and stufy the entire month. I'm off to hell

Monday, March 06, 2006

More Good News

Today I received my letter from Ontario Health. They have accepted my registration and I am now able to start writing my exams. My first exam will be July 14. After I pass that one then can go on to Phase two and do scenarios then I can write the provincial exam. I'm on my way to getting my EMCA(Emergency medical Care Assistant) certification. I'm hoping that before the baby is born I will have my Paramedic certification(EMCA). I'm so excited.

Baby News

Well Dave and I did it. We broke down and told the parents that they will be grandparents. Some of you this will not be your first but for my mom it is. She's very excited and so are all the other grandparents. It makes me happy that all of you are happy. Dave and I are still in shock and telling everybody is making it so real. I'm going on my 6th week and still can't believe it. There's so much left to do before he or maybe they are born. Dave is preparing himself for twins. The DR. informed me that since I'm a twin and that it also runs in my mom's side of the family that I may have twins. I don't think I would be able to handle twins but if my mom can do it, I guess I can. The only difference is that I would know before hand and my mom well, she found out when I was born and then 2 min. later Sheri was born. What a surprise. Dave and I haven't decided if we are going to find out the sexe of the baby. At the present time we are hoping all goes well and I make it to 3 months. I'm sick to my stomach most of the day and get dizzy, but I'm told that will all go away. I have names picked out for girls and will keep that a secret. That's all for now. The baby is telling me to go eat:)

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Floor Is In

Came home from work to a different basement. The contractor started installing the floor in the rec room. When I left at 4pm today to go to work he was finishing it up. Well it looks amazing. I can't believe it's the same basement. Can't wait for everyone to see it. When it's done I'll post some pics. The rec room even looks bigger. It's the best money I've ever invested.