Sunday, September 24, 2006

Life Changes

The last few days I've been reminded by family and friends that Dave and I will be parents. I've been ask if I'm excited. I really don't know how to answer that but my answer is I'm excited to see and hold our daughter. I'm not looking forward to the process that I have to endure to get her. I know it's a part of life but I'm scared. Most people that I know who have had kids tell me it's very painful. Like I couldn't figure that one out. Also I was told that I was a wimp for wanting pain relief or that it's not considered a "natural birth" Who has the right to tell someone that what she wants is not natural or make her feel like she is less of a woman because she chooses what is best for her. My uncle's wife Beth had both kids at home with a midwife. Good for her. As much as I try to be respectful towards her since I love my uncle, if she ask me one more time why I'm not having her at home or why I don't have a midwife I will scream at her. Lets look at the reasons why I'm having my child at the hospital.

1. It's my life and my body
2. I have to be induced for her health
3. It's not my thing to have a home birth
4. Same as #2
5. What if there were complications.

I've giving Beth all these answers and she still brings it up. I've never let what she says get to me but how stubborn can one person be? She also wants me to update her on the baby and stuff. Well I don't. I tell my uncle but I guess he's not speaking to her. Enough talk about her

My Dad will be here sometime today. Dave and soon to be grandpa will be installing the floor in the baby's room. I or Dave will post a pic when it's all done. I guess that's all. I should go put stuff away so they have room to work.



Blogger Melinda said...

Good for you Tammy! Stick to what YOU want to do - and try to ignore all of the "experts" who are trying to tell you to do things their way. Especially after your little girl is born...

It's so hard to believe that you're gonna be a mommy soon! I totally understand why you'd be scared - I would be too! But like you said - it's all for your daughter. Hope your last days of pregnancy are wonderful :)

1:42 PM  
Blogger SeaJay said...

If I were to do it all over again, I'd go for the epidurals. I had my 3 babies naturally, and looking back... I think I was crazy. Epidurals were available in Ottawa even in those days, for those who chose to have them.
However, back in the 70s it was the "in" thing to give birth with no pain killers. It was like you had to prove you were woman enough to beat the pain by sheer willpower, or something stupid like that.
Some women, who had fast labours, were just fine without the pain-killers (lucky them - maybe your aunt was one of them)
.. but others (like me) who struggled through 24 hours of hard labour, were subjected to unnecessary suffering for absolutely no reason at all.

Every decade seems to bring its own new trends in childbirth & child-rearing.
Whoever started up the "natural childbirth" trend of the 70s must have been a sadist.
Probably a man! ;) LOL!!! :)

Tammy, it's your baby's birth. You do it your way.
Don't be scared... do whatever makes you most comfortable & it will be the happiest day of your life. Guaranteed!

Chris :)

2:54 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Even though some women seem to think that going through a bunch of pain makes you a hero... sorry to break it to them, but it doesn't. Everyone is comfortable with different things and it's not appropriate for people to try to push their oppinion on you. I'm in agreement with you 100%, but if I wasn't it would be none of my business anyways.
Don't worry, you'll pull through it and obviously the process is worth it or people wouldn't plan to have second and third children.
Good Luck Tammy!

5:04 AM  

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