Sunday, June 11, 2006

Did Baby Move?

For the past several days I've been ask the same question over and over. Not that I'm upset or anything about the question but more concerned. "Did you feel the baby move yet?" is the question. I have some of my friends and family saying I should by now. Well I haven't and am concerned that maybe there is something wrong with the little one. The ultrasound girl doesn't give you any idea if everything is ok, but she isn't a radiologist either. I'm assuming because she showed us the monitor everything is good. My question is why can't I feel him or her? I keep thinking to myself, well everyone's body is different and maybe I'll feel the baby later. I am only starting my 21st week. In the book I've been reading it says anytime now or later I should feel the baby. It still doesn't make me feel any better when you have people asking all the time. I should be concentrating on my big exam and studying for it, but no I'm sitting here worried about something that will eventually happen when it's meant to happen. I'm not upset at people for being excited but just remember I have other more important things at this time to prepare for. My paramedic exam is the most important thing to me at this time. I need to pass this exam so all of you don't think I'm some dumb ass. Don't get me wrong I'm excited for the arrival of our baby but I also want to be able to provide a nice life for him or her so please just be patient if I don't talk about the baby, I am preoccupied with other things at the moment. After July 14th I'll be done my first exam of many and then I can focus on getting things ready for the baby, and hopefully report that I feel the baby move. Now I have to go study since I have company for the next week or so and need to get a jump on that.


Blogger Melinda said...

Apparently some babies are really inactive during pregnancy. My mom was totally freaked out when she was pregnant with me because I apparently moved very little - she was worried that there was something wrong. Turned out there wasn't (insert smartass comment here if you will).
Just thought I'd let you know, in case your little one doesnt' move around much either.

9:07 AM  
Blogger Tam's thoughts said...

Thanks Mel

1:57 PM  

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