Monday, January 30, 2006

A Day Off

I'm finally on days off. I thought going back to McDonald would be easy. Well It's not. The owner/operator thinks that the Mgr's shouldn't get a break. So I'm on my feet 81/2 hrs with no break and sometimes well most of the time I don't even get to eat. On Saturday we were so busy. It was like it was Christmas. I work at the Wal Mart McDonalds. I was the opening manager and the store manager was the 10-6 well she comes in and at that time we weren't busy so she decides without asking if I'm ok with it, she sends 2 people home BEFORE LUNCH. We all know never send any one home early until after lunch. Well We got killed. Janet(store manager) was getting a little fustrated and was getting really snappy at us. I guess we weren't fast enough for her in the back. It was me and another person and I also had a new guy so he doesn't count. I was doing the best that I could with what I had and she could of cared less. Can't wait to hear from Ontario health. Well I'm off to go do some shopping.


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